The Healing of the Mind

the ongoing series:

The Healing of the Mind. Part 1

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me. 

Have you ever used this sentence?

Do you believe it is true?

This particular sentence proves itself untrue simply by using it.

The simple truth is the mind wouldn’t be cognizant, and aware of not being hurt by words, unless it was indeed hurt by words.

The fact that the sentence would come from anyone shows the reality that the words have hurt them, and the pain has come surfacing from the subconscious to the consciousness. 

So we see the reality of subconscious programming that we might deny, but presents itself every day of our lives.

The reality of the overlapping and emerging of the subconscious into our present day decision making, and interactions are too obvious to ignore.

What happens when the subconscious has so much negativity embedded in it that that negativity resurfaces in our everyday interactions?

The obvious answer is anger outbursts, hurting others by saying things, we will later regret.

We don’t understand, but our daily interactions trigger the subconscious by clicking on a trigger in related issues that puts the subconscious in gear, and the strong feelings from the wounded subconscious are expressed without our invitation, knowledge, or acknowledgment.

We see this reality as people seem to make inappropriate comments, or they react in ways that don’t seem to fit in with a conversation, we would call it over reacting.

While we understand the overreacting and we see it, we don’t realize it has a source in the subconscious.

Here we see the reality of the double mindedness of the human being.

As we go further, we will look at scriptural cases of double mindedness, and how it must be remedied to be whole in the body of Christ. 

The reality is that the religious will travel great distances to see “healing miracles” such as people getting out of wheelchairs, etc.

But these same religious folks don’t imagine that there is an actual healing for damaged emotions.

This is why the world looks at the church and shakes its head and rolls its eyes and says that we are no different than them, because we really aren’t.

We are dealing with the same damaged subconscious, and it manifests itself in our relationships, regardless of religious affiliation.

This is why statistically, the religious rate of divorce is typical with the rate of those not affiliated with religion.

Family break ups, and Church splits come from the same place as the family break ups of the unbelievers and the bar room fights.

The believers’ families have negative interactions, just like the families of the unbeliever.

There are families within Christianity that have the same angry quarrels, the same break ups, the same divorces, the same family feuds as the unbelievers.

How could this be?

This is true because the subconscious has not been healed.

Regardless of the religious affiliation or the lack of religion, there is no healing for the wounded subconscious.

As we talked in part one, we related the subconscious to the database of the personality that we default to and don’t even really realize we are doing it.

This is where bad memories come from, and some of them inhibit our current relationships.

On a daily basis, without our knowledge, we subconsciously relate to something our spouse or children might say to us, and the subconscious connection forms our conscious reaction.

Does this make sense?

A theoretical example might be the wife who had an abusive father, and there were certain trigger words that he would use that caused damage to her subconscious.

There might be a case where her husband will use similar words, even though not being abusive, but there is a subconscious connection, and there is a result, in the conscious realm.

The wife might react in anger, or shut herself off from her husband, while her husband can’t understand what he has done from his perspective.

So the question would be, What has the husband done?

The husband has done absolutely nothing but unknowingly triggered a subconscious connection that causes a reaction from the wife from her negative database entry in her subconscious. 

So it is a very long way from Fragmentation to being made whole, and it is a miracle that is performed by the restoration of the father himself.

We see secular psychiatrists, and psychologists, trying, and failing to meet these  needs.

In the secular treatments, the wounded will be treated with drugs to numb the symptoms but the underlying damage still remains, there is no healing.

In other cases, the damaged individual will be taught coping mechanisms to deal with the damage, but the damage remains unhealed and frequently resurfacing. 

So the secular professional has the daunting task of attempting to do what he cannot do, provide healing.

In many cases, the religious community takes on the same counseling techniques, teaching the brother or sister, who has now been considered a patient coping skills to deal with what they have decided will never be healed.

Is there healing for damaged emotions?

Do we believe that the great physician would heal, leprosy, open blind eyes, remove demonic forces from the lives of those he loves, but then allow them to remain with unhealed and damaged emotions?

As we go further, we are going to see the connection between the damaged subconscious and what it actually is.

We are going to see the need for deliverance of every wounded individual, and it’s availability from the restoring father himself.

When we reach the place of self examination as we do in every single part, we must be honest with ourselves and able and willing to recognize what has taken place in our own lives before we can help others.

The reality is that father. God did not call people together to just celebrate and have parties.

The reality is that the father never built a dysfunctional family, but is the perfect father.

The reality is that there is healing for damaged emotions and the father is bringing us to the place of oneness.

Many, divisive religions are actually the result of the subconscious connection of the believers.

The truth is that the religious will gravitate toward a certain religious institution that lets them connect with that subconscious because their damaged emotions want to be healed.

The religious will gravitate towards speakers who will appeal to them on an emotional basis, interacting with their subconscious need

This is actually a form of Hypnosis, but the religious don’t realize they were being hypnotized.

Every false religion is built on connecting the wounded subconscious with the right wording to manipulate the victim, which we would call the church attendee. 

In many cases, cult leaders have even driven others to suicide by appealing to the subconscious of the wounded individual, that’s how powerful the subconscious is.

So comes the time for self examination once again:

Can we be honest enough with ourselves to look back in time and see that some of our blunders and big mistakes might actually have been because we were making decisions from our wounded subconscious without even realizing it?

Can we and will we be honest enough to see that most of our personal choices and companions and friends are based on our own needs and nothing else?

Can we and will we see that frequently people outgrow one another because the growing process means that they no longer need what the other had to offer?

Can we and will we see the healing that is available and must take place if we are going to be the family of God that he wants, desires, and has every right to demand?

The days of comfortable Christianity are over.

Restoration demands an  honest look at the reality of the spiritual life, not hiding behind stained glass windows, or religious tradition, are you ready?

Scripture tells us that we must be transformed by the renewing of our minds, are we ready for the transformation and the renewing that leads to the restoration?

So, within the vast body of believers we see the reality of unmet hunger and thirst being expressed. This is the reason so many have totally or partially left organized religion and looked at alternatives..

The religious community that failed to heal the emotionally damaged individuals not judges and condemns them for leaving their religion…straying from the flock..

BUT the truth is that when the hungry sheep is not being fed or healed they are not in the presence of the shepherd, but something much less. 

The hungry thirsty sheep are hearing the call of the true shepherd and leaving the organization that cannot heal them.

So, it’s time for self examination once again:

Can we look within ourselves even if it might seem painful and see the reality of how the subconscious damage has negatively affected our daily lives in the past.

Examining ourselves isn’t always pleasant, but essential to recognize the disorder and address its healing.

Double mindedness is the disorder for every living human being, and the Father wants to heal and restore His children to wholeness. 

Was man created double minded? 

No, according to scripture we are created in the image of God Himself. The image of God is tarnished by our being programmed by society, religion and education. 

We all have a tarnished image of our perfect Father that makes us feel as less than His child…..but we are His children.

Scripture tells us that the Bride is perfect without spot or blemish…so the image must be untarnished and restored…..this is the call to restoration. 

Now comes the challenge that many cannot overcome:

How do we access the damaged emotions and not become condemning or judgmental of ourselves and those who have damaged us?

There is a oneness that the human mind cannot fathom because it isn’t humanly 

possible, but performed only by the Father.

The body of Christ is becoming Christ, but the natural man cannot even imagine this spiritual truth.

Self examination time:

We must ask ourselves if we want to be healed….do we?

Are we willing to allow painful wounds to be opened so the oil and wine can be poured in?

As we go further we will have to determine for ourselves if the cure is worth the price.

Are we counting the cost?

At this point we know that the Father wants to restore His body to wholeness and heal us…are we willing to go through the process?

To be continued.  

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