Outside religion or interior transformation?

When we are being transitioned from outside religion into the body of Christ we see and sense the inward difference the indwelling Christ is making that outside religion fails to make. 

Religion works from the outside attempting to legislate morality through a system of regulation, not so with the indwelling Christ. 

The outer form of religious behavior modification is only temporarily successful and requires constant trial and error. 

The religious control meets resistance of the flesh and the “old man” thus the battle is ongoing. 

The religious person is subjected to a constant battle against his “old nature.”

The religious are made dependent upon the religious system for outside guidance and correction. The religious person depends on the “word of God” coming through the mouth of another human being, as corrupt as himself, if not more so.

So the religious person struggles from week to week hungering for some refreshment they might be able to obtain at an institutional meeting. 

The religious mindset is an actual addiction to the voice of other human beings, offering them correction and encouragement.

In the elementary stages of the life of the believer, the elementary school of religion has its proper place.

When the father draws the child to himself and transitions them into the body of Christ, there comes a subtle, but permanent change that only can come from the indwelling Christ, not from religion.

The restoration process of the indwelling Christ changes the spiritual perspective of the child of God, and he sees himself and others through a completely different spiritual dimension.

Temptation of the flesh that previously required daily battles and weekly mini revivals changes without the conscious effort of the child, it comes directly from the indwelling Christ.

That which was previously appealing and tempting to the flesh, loses its appeal, and actually takes on a distasteful taste, and fragrance to the body of Christ.

The victory, that the religious struggle to accomplish is accomplished inwardly by the Christ, who lives in his body, which is not religion whatsoever. 

Some of you can readily identify with what I am saying, others can partially identify. This is simply because the transition is taking place at the level the father is causing in your particular life, he knows what’s best, and he knows how to feed his child.

If we examine our lives, we will see that we haven’t changed, but we have been changed.

If we self examine, we will see that the struggle is being replaced by a victory that was won at the cross, and is being manifested in our daily lives from the inside, not from outside religion.

So, we see the vast difference between what Christ can, and is doing as opposed to what religion tries, but cannot do, inward and permanent change.

The reality is while you are being transitioned from religion to the body of Christ your mind is being renewed, and the flesh has lost its stronghold, it is replaced by the presence of Christ living in you.

This is a concept that the religious cannot deal with, they reject any sort of inside dealing that does not include the religious industry, but Christ is finishing his mission within his body and you are his body.

We are at the point where we can no longer accept men’s limitations of religious behavior modification, but we must have our minds renewed by the reality of the in dwelling, Christ, living through us, and as us, no longer struggling religious human beings, but the actual body of Christ.

The reader will not fully accept this transition, because the father doing the restoring, is governing the revelation in  love for his child, so as to not overwhelm them.

My purpose here is simply to confirm what most of you are experiencing, the restoration is totally of the father and no human being, or a group of humans.

My prayers go out to those who are going through the process, because the religious world will heap judgment upon those hearing the exodus call and responding.

If you are among the called out, you may have already faced or are presently facing the judgmental condemnation of the religious. 

Even feeling the pain coming from the accusers is part of the transition process. 

Be patient with yourself. You are undergoing completion and growth requires change.

Enjoy your journey and enjoy the gathering into the body of Christ.

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