The Etchings and The Ah-hahs

Version (KJV) 1 John 2:27

But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in

How can the scripture of 1 John 2:27 be true when there are probably millions of self proclaimed teachers throughout the religion of Christianity not counting those of other religious persuasions and philosophical viewpoints?

Does this point out a scriptural contradiction, NO but a scriptural truth.

Let’s consider the  etchings:

Have you ever experienced etching?

IF you are a child of God you have most truly experienced the etching that only God can and has performed upon your life.

The etching is not head knowledge taught by any outside source, but given to us directly from Father to child. 

These etchings are spiritual not mental or emotional revelations given to the child from the Father without any human intervention of any kind. 

These etchings are evidenced in the truths that time, false teachings, bad or good experiences cannot touch. These etchings are permanent and cannot be touched by any outside source.

In reality these etchings are from God and they become God in His kingdom which is within us.

There is no outer experience that can alter the etchings of the Father, they are eternally part of us. 

The inner witness of our salvation is not subject to the approval or permission of any outside source…the Father has etched His personal brand upon our hearts and the flesh of His Son….neither can be erased. 

IF you cannot remember the etchings and cannot identity as the property of the Father, then you are simply  not yet confirmed as His.

Those yet unconfirmed are among the religious seeking confirmation through man that can ONLY come from the Father himself. 

So the etchings represent the engraving of permanent change, not temporary changing doctrine from a religious teacher, but the non erasable etchings of Almighty Father God Himself.

So, how can the quoted scripture be true when there are innumerable human teachers, millions of books and sermons….millions of “teaching” videos?

The scripture says “ye need not that any man teach you.” How can this be true?

As we ponder this question people will subconsciously picture their favorite human teacher or teachers, go ahead and do it..

BUT the point is the teacher doesn’t exist, but is actually none other than the Father Himself. 

At this very moment many are thinking about the revelation they THINK they received from some human teacher….but they are incorrect….we have no human teachers.

The moments remembered as being taught by humans were actually simply the Father funneling through the human….the human was simply the chosen mouthpiece of the moment.

The religious ego of the human mouthpiece will cause them to self-exalt, name the ministry or institution after themselves, but they are literally nothing but asses.

What do I mean?

Let’s examine the etchings of scripture, there are many examples.

King James Bible Numbers 22:28

And the LORD opened the mouth of the ass, and she said unto Balaam, What have I done unto thee, that thou hast smitten me these three times?

One of the most obvious examples of both the etching and the Aha can be seen in the experience of the Prophet Balaam. 

Here we see Balaam a true prophet of God making a journey to make a false prophecy…what happened?

First let us consider the etching:

Belaam was never called a false Prophet but was planning on making a false prophecy for the sake of income (sound familiar?)

So, since Balaam was a true prophet he had the true etchings of God on His life, he had possession of the truth, but chose to commit a crime against the most High God.

The potential consequences of Ballaam making a false prophecy are another subject for another time…but suffice it to say that God saw fit to perform a mighty 

miracle to prevent the false prophecy. 

So, the etchings of undeniable truth that God had placed with Ballaam were subject to Ballaam’s  sinful choice, weren’t they?

The intervention of God stopped the false prophecy at the miraculous rebuke of a donkey..

So, we see that Ballaam had the true etchings but had decided to violate the Father’s will by committing the crime of false prophecy.

Then came the AHA moment for the Prophet of God.

The AHA moment was provided miraculously from the mouth of an ass. 

Here is where the religious teacher enters the story.

While we need and actually have no teacher other than the Spirit of God and He provides His permanent etchings, we also see the office of the religious asses of our days sometimes providing the AHA. 

 The reality is that no religious person has ever taught us anything, they have no etching ability…they lack heart access to the true child of God.


The religious teachers are used in the lives of the child of God to confirm the etchings…to bring to remembrance the truth God as Father has already planted into our hearts…His etchings.   

So, God can use an ass in animal or human form.

The religious tend to idolize the asses that  God might occasionally use to confirm the  Father Himself. 

This is the establishment and continuation of religion. 

So the challenge is listening to the Father directly. Sidestepping the need  for confirmation from religious asses means avoiding the spirit of Balaam altogether. 

So, this brings us to the AHA moment. 

Ballaam’s AHA moment was the presence of God speaking through His chosen ass  of the moment….and the etchings of God were reinforced and brought back into the consciousness of the Prophet before he made a terrible mistake. 

So at this point, we need to examine some basic truths about the Prophets experience.

  First of all, the father knew all about the plans of his rebellious prophet he knew the intimate details, and his time and place at the exact moment he decided to intervene.

This tells us that the father is ever intentional, and is ever present in our lives, even if we are disobedient children.

If we self examine we will see that we have the etchings of our Father and they are permanent in our lives.

These etchings will never be erased.

The deeper message is that the AHA moments come to us as confirmation of the etchings of the Father.

The Father might share incremental truths with us, then comes the confirmation, the AHA moment. 

So we see that the Father through the Spirit is the only teacher, even if he uses a human or animal ass to confirm His teachings. 

This also tells us that the father could have allowed the prophet to make the false prophecy, but he intervened instead.

Another example of the never ending love and mercy of our wonderful Father. 

Are you a witness to the etchings of the Father? 

Can you recognize what has come from Him internally and not from some outside source?

Can you recall the AHA moments when the Father might have used a person or circumstance to provide the confirmation of what He had shown you?

The Father is so loving, and kind that He will and has provided graceful escape to His who bear His heart etchings even when they fall into rebellion. 

The love of the Father is a permanent etching upon the hearts of His child and the body of His Son…the two are one in the body of Christ. 

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