Galatians 3:28
“There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.”

The Religion of sensuality:

What is called Church by so many today is the counterfeit of man’s sensual choices, built by man to worship his own choices with little or no connection to Christ Himself.

The establishments are built around separation, not inclusion, personal preferences, selfishness, not selflessness.

In the present day of religious debauchery, we see black churches, white churches, and Asian churches each claiming to worship the Christ that never separated races or colors of His beloved children.

The counterfeit of religion has separated itself by its choice of music, the seducing spirit of entertainment has taken the place of true heart worship… its quite sickening to behold.

Today’s choices of places to “worship” are based on music preferences. Today we have contemporary worshippers, country-style worshippers, and even heavy metal rock and rollers gathered together based on their chosen expression of sensuality.

Gatherers are excited by the sensuality they prefer and since it pleases their flesh, they assume that it pleases God, how can this be?

The truth is that their god (small g intended) is pleased because their god is their own flesh.

The seducing spirits of sensuality have so infiltrated man-made religion that it is all about himself, what makes him feel good is what he considers godly, but it is quite ungodly.

When one religious establishment (improperly called church) fails to meet the sensual needs of the attendee they simply switch to a more suitable location, a better crowd that serves themselves better.

Music preference, race, and color, as well as economic status, are forms of carnal separation in the counterfeit “church” system man has built and supports.

The psychological warfare of the enemy has appealed to the sensual nature of unregenerate man and convinced him to serve himself instead of Christ.

The foolish religious man has constructed his own kingdom feeding his own sensuality and convincing himself that it pleases God, but it only pleases the religious false god of self.

Weekly or daily people attend the meeting of self-choice based on what makes them feel good.

This is the present-day worship of the false god of sensuality, and self-worship.

Man worships his own re-created version of God as the idol devoted to himself and his sensual desires.

Religious man brings his sensual preferences to those with like minds who gather together and they call it Church, but it simply isn’t.

Religion criticizes society while it imitates society’s own sensuality, separating one from another based on personal preferences.

So, this fallacy is presented to a world desperately needing and wanting to see Christ, but seeing the man-made wicked counterfeit of self-worship being called Church.

Even the seeker sees through the false kingdom of religion and dismisses it, preferring to have nothing instead of the obvious fakery of man’s self-worship

The outside-in appeal of religion uses Satanic seducing spirits to draw in the carnal and sensual, making separation where Christ made none.

Religion is counterfeit and not the body of Christ.

The body of Christ is not directed by man but by the indwelling Christ.

Where man uses sensuality to bring a spirit “down” the body of Christ yields to the living Christ and His Spirit comes out to meet the needs of His true family.

When Christ is recognized as the actual way, truth, and life we don’t have to build on our sensual desires… they fade completely in His presence.

IF you have found yourself separated into religious factions based on color, race, or musical preference be assured it is NOT the body of Christ, but the evil counterfeit of religion.

The psychological attacks of antichrist spirits have deceived the multitudes and few are the remnant who saw the seduction and chose the narrow way of Christ.

Worship that is produced from outside sensual sources is self-worship, designed to make the person feel good… nothing to do with blessing God.

True worship is the worship of Son to Father coming through the body of Christ, initiated and fulfilled by the indwelling Christ Himself.

There won’t be many if any amens or complimentary replies to this post because the way is narrow indeed and the remnant is small but being increased daily by the restoring Father.

Self-examination is the calling of the present day. Are we remaining in the faith or following the seducing spirits of religion?

One thought on “Examination time?

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