Mind Healing part 2:

Mind Healing Part 2

Beginning from the time that we are born until about 7 or 8 years old, your subconscious formed a foundation of your preset beliefs and perceptions based on the people around you, the music you listened to, and the TV shows and movies you watched.Oct 10, 2019

https://crw.ecu.edu › 2019/10/10 › i…

Reprogram your sub conscience mind for success. | Campus Recreation & Wellness | ECU

I copied and pasted this link so people will know I’m not making this up or it’s not just my opinion. There are many other resources available that prove that the subconscious mind is actually programmed from birth until seven or eight years old; this is the scientific and spiritual fact.

So once we establish this fact then we can see other issues that blend into the equation and the reasons why.

Any believer can easily see the present day attack on the children it is too obvious to ignore.

Even children’s cartoons are meant to program the young mind to accept what is unacceptable and is many times very harmful.

It seems as if on social media every single day I see someone asking the question why the libraries have children attending filthy shows where “men” Are dressed up as provocative women and parading their perversion to young children.

Some of these cases even include songs that I can’t even use the lyrics here because they are so filthy. Some of these perversions actually invite the children into a sexual liaison with the person performing the filth.

Why does this take place?

This takes place because the children are under attack,, that is obvious. But the reason the children are under attack is because it is their time of life when they are most vulnerable, they don’t have the mental capacity to understand and they are most likely to just accept. 

The enemy is using satanic psychological manipulation to inject his venom into the mind of the children when they are not able to process while they are being shown, it is demonic seduction. (Seducing spirits)

Now we are beginning to see that there has been a ramping up of the assault on the present day generation and it is taking its toll.

But what we need to see is that our generations were also assaulted. We were also damaged subconsciously by our environment, our parents, the education system, and sometimes totally by accident.

When we are talking about the present day attack on the children it is obvious that it is purposeful but this isn’t always the case.

Many of us as children have been witnesses to trauma that we didn’t have the mind to process and file away so it became embedded in our subconscious.

Some of these things might have just been the bully when you were young that pointed out your shortcomings but you received that into your subconscious and it is still there in many cases.

So let’s consider the progression of this injury from generation to generation.

Let’s consider the present day that is actually the culmination of several injured generations reproducing and passing on the injury to the next generation, do you understand what I’m saying?

If no healing takes place from my generation and I reproduce another damaged generation the damage just keeps growing stronger and stronger with each new generation.

Eventually the heart cries out for justice and the victims become victimizers, this is all too common.

Statistically we are shown things we don’t want to see. 

For example we would think that if you were raised by a violent alcoholic you would turn from alcohol and detest it, but statistically this is untrue.

The same thing can be said for all subconscious injuries, they have a tendency to keep repeating themselves from generation to generation even growing in severity.

The victim of child abuse should be the model parent but in most cases they also become child abusers in one form or another.

The victim of child abuse becomes the parent who abuses their own child sometimes without even realizing they are the abuser.

One example would be the parent that hovers over a child trying to protect it but not allowing it to take any chances in life, this is also abuse.

The helicopter parent who hovers over the child constantly and is deathly afraid of them getting the slightest bruise or the slightest emotional trauma is also abusive but they don’t realize that they are.

So, the internal injuries to the subconscious exist and grow from generation to generation. This is what Many would call generational curses. 

I don’t usually use that term but it comes down to the fact that generation after generation is cursed by the unhealed mind.

So we see the present accelerated assault on the children and it doesn’t take much deduction to understand why.

The time the enemy has to destroy this generation is coming to a close so the acceleration is absolutely necessary on his part and he is definitely accelerating the process.

The hardest thing to see is not that it is happening but the reality of who is doing it.

Eph. 6. [12] For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

This scripture opens a totally different situation that Has to be addressed.

We are told that we don’t wrestle against flesh and blood and this is totally correct. 

However, the rest of the verse tells us about those powers and the spiritual wickedness that exist but comes through what vehicle?

I have always said that the one thing Satan and the Father both have in common is that they will use any willing vessel and we see that constantly in our everyday lives.

So the challenge is looking past the person that is filled and displaying the evil spirit and seeing that they are also the injured.

Seeing that the victimizer is also an unhealed victim takes a lot of maturity and prayer on the part of the believer.

When we want to jump to the defense of the child we are also saying that the perpetrator is an unhealed child themselves.

Please don’t misunderstand what I am saying, the child needs to be protected even if it means going to an extreme to protect the child, I’m not speaking of enabling the assault but understanding the one doing the assaulting.

When we read the rest of that scripture tells us about Spiritual wickedness in high places. While this particular scripture is more aimed toward the government we must consider what the high places are. 

The highest place in our lives as individuals is our minds.

If the mind is not correct or is damaged or is injured, nothing about our lives can be correct.

The mind is the control center of our entire being and if it is corrupted we will manifest the fruit of that corruption.

So we see the reality of the corrupted injured mindset that has grown during this accelerated time to a proportion no one ever dreamed possible, but here it is on daylight display for all to see.

There is no excuse for this behavior, there is no way to rationalize it or pretend it is ever OK but we need to understand it in order to address it in a way to provide healing.

We think of correction and correctional centers but the reality is they seldom correct. 

The changes that need to take place are spiritual and frequently the prisoner has a spiritual encounter and begins the healing process but this is usually not the case.

In rare cases there is a divine interception and the prisoner has his life miraculously turned around by the act of God himself, the restoration.

So we see that the present day assault on the child is the exhilarated attack of the enemy in these last days.

The enemy must poison the minds of the children because if there is another generation they will be the parents and this chain of injury will grow from generation to generation to destroy the creation altogether.

To be continued

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