Healing of the Mind Part 3

Joel 2:25-32

New King James Version

25 “So I will restore to you the years that the swarming [a]locust has eaten,

The crawling locust,

The consuming locust,

And the chewing locust,

Repressed memory syndrome has become controversial because of abuse and misuse by people filing lawsuits and criminal charges while lying about the repressed memories. 

This being said, the truth is that the repressed memory is reality and is active in many lives regardless of our spiritual relationships. 

There are shallow minded people who want to pretend that the believers are somehow immune to abuse, but quite the opposite is true.  

Without substantiating this statement scripturally (which I will do in following parts) let me say that the chosen are more likely to be targets of abuse than others.

Why would this be?

We must view everything from the viewpoint of spiritual warfare…because whether we realize it or not, we are involved at this very moment.

 Many reading these words have been the victims of attack by the darkness of the world and its systems. 

Many can instantly see what the locusts might have consumed in your lives…others realize it is there…but just can’t quite see it.

This is the repressed memory.

 In  earlier  parts  we discussed pain that is too intense to process when we are too young to understand it…..where does this pain go?

The event didn’t unhappen…the pain was so intense that the damaged child unknowingly filed it away in what would later be shown as the subconscious. 

So at the age too early to understand the assault, the mind of the wounded child files it away in the subconscious….gone but not gone. 

So, when we operate from a damaged subconscious our database is damaged whether we realize it or not. 

Then when we are facing any stressful situation or challenge we default to the damaged subconscious. 

The obvious result is unintentional conflict that can result in alienating ourselves from one another. 

This truth partially explains why the believer is subject to the same divorce, family and church splits as the unbeliever…it isn’t a question of morality…but injury that needs to be healed. 

The subconscious has been damaged by the abuse of life and looks for healing where?


The religious system is damaged itself and provides no healing for its own separation from the single body of Christ. 

When I was still involved in public ministry I lost count of the times I encountered the reality of the abused wife who found nothing but condemnation and judgment from her church brothers and sisters because she separated from an abusive husband. 

I also witnessed cases where the man was abused and was also judged and condemned.

The religious institution offers no healing because it cannot even heal itself. 

So the professional secular psychologist offers drug therapy or coping mechanisms but no healing.

The religious community offers judgment but no healing. 

Where can the damaged person go for help?

The sad reality is that the damaged child turns inward and contains the pain, the damage, and the fear of their abuse.

This inward containment of the injury results in toxicity at the very core of our being. 

So each situation has different details but all result in soul damage, and alienation between families and church members… It is the poison of the inner child. 

The result is arrested spiritual development, and we see the fruit everywhere. 

When we see the disgraceful and disgusting displays in social media of the gay parades, the pedophiles forcing themselves on children and the public acceptance of these things we are seeing the fruit of the damage done by the attack by the enemy on the core of our lives….the subconscious. 

It’s difficult to see but everyone who begins as a victim eventually becomes the victimizer unless the process is stopped and healed. 

The victim of subconscious damage and the victim turned victimizer might be totally unaware of their condition…but it remains quite real.

The subconscious damaged database brings to remembrance the computer term: garbage in….garbage out. 

So, we have determined th

at the divided religious system has no solution or it would heal itself and wouldn’t be divided.

We have also determined that secular psychology has no healing and actually makes his livelihood by keeping the disorder active.

So where do we turn?

As we progress we’re going to look at the truth of healing and why it must take place for the restoration to continue and for us to be what we are called to be.

To be continued

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