King James Bible. Galatians 5:4

“Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law; ye are fallen from grace.”

Have we fallen from Grace?

Has Christ become of no effect to you?

Are you fallen from Grace?

How can we tell if this scripture applies to ourselves?

The conditions of the fallen  are stated plainly. Whoever justifies themselves by law has fallen from Grace.

Falling from grace means that we no longer have the grace given to us at the cross, but are dependent upon law keeping. 

King James Bible.   James 2:10

“For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all.”

Scripture plainly shows us that the law must be kept PERFECTLY or  we are guilty of breaking the law entirely. 

So who is keeping the law perfectly?

There is not one human being living or who has ever lived who fulfilled the law but Christ Jesus Himself. 

This puts man in a safe and dangerous position at the same time. 

In order to keep the law we are rejecting grace


In order to remain under grace we must reject being justified by law. 

Now let’s consider the religious deception:

Religion (any religion) keeps mankind dependent upon its own version of law. 

Each divided religious system exploits scripture to compose its own derided  form of law. 

In most cases this self created version of the law is called Church doctrine. 

Each religious division will create and enforce church laws which members must agree with and adhere to.

Failure to keep religious law can result in shunning, expulsion or even murder.

Historically we see terrible religious wars fought throughout time, believers being slaughtered by other believers for having disputed or broken the religious laws of the divisions.  

The violence, the bitterness and the divisions themselves are the fruit of having fallen from Grace. 

The desperation of the fallen religious causes him to wage war against the other divisions to try to justify his own fallen state. 

Even within the divisions are divisions, the fallen from Grace turn brother against brother and sister against sister….and the destruction is hideous. 

We see that the entirety of man made religion is a falling from grace, no longer having the effects of grace but struggling in vain to justify themselves when they cannot keep the law perfectly. 

The symptoms of having fallen from Grace include kingdom building without Christ as the true cornerstone, we see this everywhere. 

We see the consequences of having fallen from Grace when the fallen show idol worship of their own ministries. 

“Churches” and ministries are named after fallen humans, not Christ.

 Man is exalted as leader when Christ was the servant…do you see?

Christ washed the filthy feet of His disciples because He was the humble servant although God.

Religious man has a foot washing ritual to make himself appear humble…it is not his way of life….but a show. 

So religious mankind has fallen from grace and tries and fails to keep the law perfectly. 

So what is the status of one fallen from Grace?

According to scripture the rejectors or grace are placed back under the jurisdiction of laws that they cannot keep.

We see the truth of this wasted effort throughout religion, the poor struggling believers never know the joy of being  the finished work of Christ because they have rejected it. 

There is only one source of reconciliation with God and that was the shed blood of Christ and it has already taken place. 

Man has rejected Christ and tries to save himself through his own failures at law keeping ….can you see?

Here is the place where the legalistic viper  has to inject his venom. 

Someone will say that if we are truly saved we will keep the law….but yet they don’t and can’t themselves. 

So the conversion from struggling slave to rejoicing child is not possible without acceptance of the finished work of Christ as having fulfilled His mission entirely. 

Until the religious is delivered from religious deception he or she cannot see the reality of the finished work….and the impossible struggle continues. 

 So the restoration of the Father is showing total dependence upon the finished work of Christ and there is NO other way of salvation. 

There is no law keeping salvation…it isn’t even possible. 

Religion likes to pretend righteousness without Christ….but this is self righteousness.

The conversion from religion to the body of Christ is the restoration the Father is performing. 

Are laws kept? Yes and perfectly. 

Do we keep the laws? Absolutely not. 

When we finally are able to be deprogrammed from Antichrist religious indoctrination we will finally be able to see the body of Christ….which is the opposite of religion. 

How are the laws kept, and by whom?

The laws are kept perfectly through Christ living through His body of believers.

Christ lives in, though, and as His body of believers in reality not religious belief. 

As time progresses we will see religion being exposed more and more, many are already beginning to see this exposure. 

We will also see the restoration as the Father  enacts Acts 2:17 more and more. 

Many of you are already witnessing Acts 2:17 beginning to work in your own lives.

As the wicked become increasingly wicked the religious industry will be more compromising with the ruling Antichrist spirits of the age….it has already started. 

As the Father does the calling out and the gathering in His children will be restored In grace and the joy of His salvation. 

Are you feeling the fresh wind?

Are you feeling the warmth of the fresh fire?

The best is yet to come….. yaint seen nuthin yet.

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