One man’s trash is another man’s treasure 

You might have heard it said that one man’s trash is another man’s treasure and it is undeniably so.

Any time spent around any major city shows the sad reality.

People are literally hanging each other upside down by the ankles looking through dumpsters trying to find food scraps to eat to keep from starving.

Others go through the trash like starving animals, looking for your trash which becomes their treasure.

To move this reality from the physical realm to the spiritual realm shows us the true picture of Christ instead of the idolatry of man-made religion.

Religion offers their own self created version of the Savior that doesn’t resemble Christ whatsoever.

The people Christ encountered on a daily basis even his disciples were castaways, they were thrown away by society and religion.

One was a tax collector who was despised by his own people.

One was an adulterous who was caught in the act of adultery that the religious wanted to kill in the name of God.

Even the chosen disciples were not finely polished religious gentlemen but rough fisherman.

The spiritual aspect that Christ embodied was dumpster diving, taking in the people that were the trash to others but the total treasure to his father.

You might be among the people that have been cast away by society, by man-made condemning religion, your families or others.

You might be likened to the thief that died beside Christ guilty of your crimes and found worthy to be crucified.

But the good news is that religion has no deciding vote, neither does society, nor does the judicial system even if you are suffering the consequences of your bad decisions.

Your acceptance was already determined at the death of Christ and it is secured whether you live as the accepted Child or you fall under religious condemnation and live as less…. You are still fully Accepted.

If you can look past the condemnation of religion and see the reality of the finished work of Christ then you can rightly identify as who you really are, his child not a cast away.

Have you made bad decisions?

 Have you paid the price?

 The thief beside Jesus and the woman taken in adultery we’re both totally guilty but we’re both totally accepted by Christ because he came to save not to judge or condemn.

Today is the day to look past all the diversions of the enemy and see the reality of the crucified Christ and his finished work.

Go take a long hard look in the mirror in the eyes of his finished work.

Accept your acceptance. 

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